How-To module

on The Charter App

The more you know your vessel, the better.

Knowing the basics will increase your overall safety, self-confidence, fun, team-play, skipper’s, and Charter’s staff happiness. We all had to learn locations and procedures.



Power Switching


If something is simply not working:

1. Check the Main Board – is switch ON

Main board panel

2. Check the fuse is ON (check documentation for the location)

3. Look Documentation for other explanations or switch locations


Batteries are Charging via:


When the engine is running at 1400rpms or more (in nutural or driving).


Switch to ship generator power. Ensure the battery charger switch panel is ON.

Shore power

Switched to shore power. Ensure the battery charger breaker is also ON.

Video – you may have different system



Leaving the Inverter turned on will severely drain the house batteries.

For that reason, it is better to run the engines at the same time. If you have the Generator running there is no need to use the Inverter.

If you turn the inverter ON, the engine should be running and revved up to 1400 rpm IN NEUTRAL.

Switch the inverter OFF when you are not using it to help preserve battery power.


A procedure that ensures safety when switching from one AC source to another.

1. First turn OFF the shore-power breaker at the distribution panel, followed by the branch circuits, and then the main breaker. (this prevents the generator from being immediately loaded upon start-up).

2. A generator is another engine, so run the blower before starting. Use the transfer breaker to switch from shore power to genset, and then start the generator and allow it to warm up for five to 10 minutes. Once it’s running smoothly, power on individual branch circuits.

Vice versa (Generator to shore)

3. Don’t immediately turn off the generator. Instead, shut down systems and allow the generator a 5 to 10-minute cool-down period with no load. Shut down the generator and close its intake seacock to prevent water from being forced up into the cooling system should you head out again.

4. Plug in the shore-power cord at the boat first, before plugging the opposite end into the dockside power outlet. Next, turn ON the breaker at the dockside power, switch the source of the house power at the transfer switch. Finally, power on individual circuits.

Process VIDEO (you may have a different system but the process might be similar)

Where are switches

Where are valves